Photocredits: Zine workshop for the first year art university students at Papiercafé, 2015 Photo by Carolin Ludwig.

#illustration #storytelling #publishing #criticalthinking #poetry #experimentation #socialpractices

Carmen José combines her practice as illustrator with education in workshops with adults (sometimes children as well) testing the borders in between the fields of art, visual communication, illustration, literature, poetry, social practices and research. Learning together through collective experimentation and critical thinking.

Since 2020 she is as well part-time teacher and researcher for the illustration and social practice departments at the Willem de Kooning Akademie in Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Commissioned for

Poetry International Rotterdam (NL), Willem de Kooning Akademie (NL), documenta fifteen (GE), AnEducation documenta14 (GE), Bauhaus Dessau Fundamental Festival (DE), B-Platform Seoul (SK), Museum Friedericianum (GE), Instituto Cervantes Utrecht (NL) Rotopol (GE), Buchkinderwerkstatt (GE), Kunsthochschule Kassel (GE), DRA e.V. (GE), Allerhand e.V. (GE), Sandwich Mixto (SP), Escuela de Arte Zíjara (SP), CurArte Hospital 12 de Octubre (SP), B.A.D. Foundation (NL)

Workshops outside academic contexts

Workshop: Illustrating Poems, Poetry International Festival Rotterdam 2024

Workshop: Lines of Movement / Drawing with the body
MAMA Showroom & TENT, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2021

Workshop: Collage with Carmen Jose and Nina Kaun in Raum 404, Bremen (Germany) 2020

Workshop: Visualizing for political education
Die Kopiloten, Kassel (Germany) 2019

Talk & Workshop: Feminist reading, potato peeling! together with Clare Butcher, Sepake Angiama, Arnisa Zeqo, Amelie Jakubek and Sofia Olascoaga
part of the Festival „School Fundamental“, Bauhaus Dessau, Dessau (Germany) 2019

Workshop: Visualizing for supervision and coaching
Weekly meetings für Christiane Goebel, Kassel (Germany) 2018

Lecture & Workshop: Graphic storytelling and book making
Gallery BPlatform, Seoul (South Korea) 2018

Workshop: Bookbinding
Sandwich Mixto, Madrid (Spain) 2017

Lectures and Workshops at Willem de Kooning Akademie (WdKA)

For the Illustration (3rd year and 4th year graduation supervision) and Social Practices (1st year) departments

Workshop: Radical Re-writing with focus on Political Poetry 2024

Workshop: Pluri-lingual Poem Writing 2023

Seminar: Publication Proposals 2021 – on going

Workshop: Collective writing Code of Conduct 2021 – on going

Seminar: Portfolio Making preparing for Portfolio Night 2021- on going

Lectures & Workshops: Resting bodies in resistance with Lila Athanasiadou and Lotte van Gelder 2022

Lecture: Illustration research and implementations with Rachel Sender and Masha Krasnova-Shabaeva 2023

Lectures & Workshops: Contagious Choreographies with Lila Athanasiadou und Gabriel Fontana. Social 2021

In other art universities/ academies

Guest Teacher: Lines of Movements in a Room full of Pages
Department Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Merz Akademie, Stuttgart (Germany) 2023

Guest Teacher: Distributed Throat with Clara Balaguer. Part of the program  „OtherVoices“ArtEZ Akademie, Arnhem (Netherlands) 2022

Guest Teacher: Defining contemporary illustration with Masha Krasnova for the Illustration department, ArtEZ Akademie, Zwolle (Netherlands) 2021

Guest Teacher: Critical Visualizing
Part of the „Summer Studio“ Rotterdam Artsand Sciences Lab (RASL), Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2021

Guest Teacher: Lines of Movement
Part of „Under teh Mango Tree Gathering“, University Kala Bhavana, Shantiniketan (India) 2020

Workshop: Cities and signs
For the department Redaktionelles Gestalten of the Kunsthochscuhle Kassel  BAD Foundation Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2018

Workshop: OPEN! Collage and Zinemaking in the city
for the department Visuelle Kommunikation, Kunsthochscuhle Kassel (Germay) 2018

Workshop: Zinemaking with Aisha Franz in the department Visuelle Kommunikation, Kunsthochscuhle Kassel (Germay) 2017

Workshop: Zinemaking in Papiercafé
For the department Visuelle Kommunikation, Kunsthochscuhle Kassel (Germay) 2015

With children and young people (selection)

Recyclingworkshop: Troep Coup
Steigertje Brakelstraat, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2020

Recyclingworkshop: Travel Along!
Kleurbende, Rotterdam (Netherlands 2019

Visual Communication Workshop: En Omloop
Bonerveld, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2019

Workshop: Drawing with the body
Buchkinderwerkstatt, Kassel (Germany) 2019

Workshop: Drawing words
Buchkinderwerkstatt, Kassel (Germany) 2018

Workshop: Drawings words
Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht (Netherlands) 2018

Comicworkshop: Climate Change
DRA eV, Mannheim (Germany) 2018

Comicworkshop: Experimentelles Erzählen
part of “Vorsicht Loesungen!” Allerhand EV, Festival (Germany) 2018

Workshop: Scribble and Sketch
Buchkinderwerkstatt, Kassel (Germany) 2017

Workshop: llustration und Comic
Kinder- und Jugendkunstschule, Kassel (Germany) 2017

Collage Workshop: Marcel Broodthaers
Fridericianum, Kassel (Germany) 2015

Workshops: Creative coming together
Refugeecamp of the Red Cross, Kassel (Germany) 2015-2016

Weekly Workshops in creative and experimental thinking
part of „R&D CurArte“ Krankenhaus 12 Octubre, Madrid (Spain) 2010-2011

Summer creative Workshops
El Pielago, Toledo (Spain) 2009

Weekly Workshops in creative and experimental thinking
Escuela Arte Zijara, Madrid (Spain) 2008-2011

Summer creative Workshops
Escuela Arte Zijara, Madrid (Spain) 2008-2011


In art schools and universities

Lecture: Illustration Research/ Decolonizing the curriculum with Rachel Sender part of „Making (in) the Unforeseen Research Festival“ an der WdK Akademie, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2023

Lecture: Working in between illustration and social practice
In the department Illustration/Animation in the Kingston University, London (UK) 2020

Talk: Living Archives with Marijke Appelman part of „Conversations
at the Research Station“ in the WdK Akademie, Rotterdam (Niederlande) 2019

Talk: Perspectives and development of student initiatives
Part of Rundgangssymposium, Kunsthochschule Kassel (Germany) 2018

Further talks

Talk: Hablar en lenguas with Daniela Pabon
part of „Entre libros“, Podcast Vokaribe 89.6 fm (Kolumbien) 2022

Talk: On care and resilience with Clare Butcher and Simona Dvorak
part of „Lumbung Radio“, documenta fifteen, Kassel 2022

Talk: “Publishing as art practice”
ruruhaus conversations KW36
 documenta fifteen Kassel (Germany) 2020

Talk: Lines of Movement
Im Rahmen von „Dissident pedagogy, A Symposium on queering education“ Nijmegen (Netherlands) 2019

Talk: “Formats of Care” with Sepake Angiama 
Convening between Vienna and Berlin
, Floating University Berlin (Germany) 2019

Talk: Visual critical thinking
Im Rahmen von Conversas #147, Niffo Galerie, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 2019

Talk: Argamasa with Marina Rengel und Mariana Heredia part of “ En femenino Mula fest“, Madrid (Spain) 2018